About the Artwork
Monet's garden at Argenteuil near Paris provided the subject matter for this painting: a flower bed of tall gladioli shimmering in the light. The figure standing under an umbrella is the artist's wife, Camille, enjoying a leisurely stroll. Rather than being the focal point of the painting, she is merely a figure used to define the space. The flower bed itself dominates the composition. Using thick, short brushstrokes that appear as dabs at close range but synthesize at a distance, and juxtaposing red and pink blossoms against green foliage, Monet simulates the shimmering visual sensations experienced on a hot summer day.
Rounded Flower Bed (Corbeille de fleurs)
Claude Monet
Oil on canvas
Unframed: 23 3/8 inches × 32 inches × 11/16 inches (59.3 × 81.3 × 1.8 cm) Framed: 37 5/8 × 46 1/4 × 5 3/8 inches, 59 pounds (95.6 × 117.5 × 13.7 cm, 26.8 kg)
European Modern Art to 1970
City of Detroit Purchase
Public Domain
Signed, lower right: Claude Monet
1877, probably sold by the artist to Georges Charpentier (Paris, France).by 1913, Nicolas Auguste Hazard [d. 1913] (Orrouy, France);
1913, by descent to his widow, Mme. Hazard [d. 1919] (Orrouy, France);
December 1-3, 1919, sold by (Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, France) Hazard estate sale, lot 200;
1919, purchased by (Galerie Barbazanges, Paris, France);
by 1921, acquired by (Howard Young Galleries, New York, New York, USA);
1921-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
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Probably Catalogue de la 3e exposition de peinture. Exh. cat., 6 Rue le Peletier. Paris, April 1877, p. 9, cat. 106. [As Corbeille de fleurs, appartient à M. Charpentier]
Catalogue des tableaux modernes...Composant la Collection de M. Hazard (Première partie). Sales cat., Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, December 1–3, 1919, p. 98, no. 200 (ill.). [As "Les Glaïeuls"]
Barbazanges Gallery. "Important Examples by Old and Modern Masters. [Advertisement]" The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 36, no. 205 (April 1920): x (ill.).
Barbazanges Gallery. "Important Examples by Old and Modern Masters. [Advertisement]" The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 36, no. 206 (May 1920): x (ill.).
P[oland], R[eginald]. "In Monet's Garden." Bulletin of the DIA 3, no. 1 (1921): pp. 7–8 (ill.). (As "Les Gladioles")
“Purchases for the Collections” Bulletin of the DIA 3, no. 4 (January 1922): p. 39.
Réau, Louis. L'Art Français aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1926, p. 164.
Heil, Walter. Catalogue of Paintings in the Permanent Collection of The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, 1930, unpaginated, no. 147.
Wilenski, Reginald Howard. French Painting. Boston, 1931, p. 257. (Also see 3rd rev. ed. 1973, p. 234)
Newberry, John S. “The Age of Impressionism & Realism: Detroit’s Anniversary Exhibit.” The Art News 38, no. 31 (1940): pp. 9–10 (ill.), back cover, no. 30.
Richardson, Edgar P., ed. The Detroit Institute of Arts: Catalogue of Paintings. Detroit, 1944, p. 91, no. 147.
A Loan Exhibition of Paintings by Claude Monet for the Benefit of the Children of Giverny. Exh. cat., Wildenstein and Co. New York, 1945, pp. 30 (ill.), 34, no. 19.
Richardson, Edgar P. Twentieth Century Painting. Detroit, 1947, p. 12.
Reuterswärd, Oscar. Monet: En konstnärshistorik. Stockholm, 1948, pp. 149, 280 (ill.)
French Painting: David to Cezanne. Exh. cat., Norton Gallery and School of Art. Palm Beach, 1953, unpaginated.
The Two Sides of the Medal: French Painting from Gérôme to Gauguin. Exh. cat., Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1954, pp. 32, no. 46; 37 (ill.).
Seitz, William C. Claude Monet, a loan exhibition. Exh. cat., Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Minneapolis, 1957, no. 21 (ill.).
Rouart, Denis and Léon Degand. Claude Monet: Historical and Critical Study. Lausanne, 1958, p. 65 (ill.).
Masterpieces of Art: In Memory of William R. Valentiner 1880–1958. Exh. cat., North Carolina Museum of Art. Raleigh, 1959, pp. 175; 199, no. 109 (ill.).
Grigaut, Paul L. Treasures from The Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1960, p. 210 (ill.).
500 Years of Flowers and Gardens in Western Art. Exh. cat., Cummer Gallery. Jacksonville, 1962, unpaginated, no. 16 (ill.).
Masters of Landscape: East and West. Exh. cat. Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute. Utica, 1963, p. 56, no. 52 (ill.).
Kuroe, Mitsuhiko. Monet. Tokyo, 1970, p. 117, cat. 16, pl. 18 (ill.).
Blunden, Maria and Godfrey Blunden. Impressionists and Impressionism. New York, 1970, p. 122 (ill.).
Cummings, Frederick J. and Charles H. Elam, eds. The Detroit Institute of Arts Illustrated Handbook. Detroit, 1971, p. 158 (ill.).
Bortolatto, Luigina Rossi. L’opera Completa di Claude Monet: 1870–1889. Milan, 1972, pp. 16, 94, no. 84, pl. 9 (ill.).
Wildenstein, Daniel. Claude Monet: Biographie et Catalogue Raisonné, vol 1. Paris, 1974, pp. 292–293, no. 414 (ill.).
Wise, Susan, ed. Paintings by Monet. Exh. cat., Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, 1975, pp. 28; 88, no. 34 (ill.).
Isaacson, Joel. Claude Monet: Observation and Reflection. Oxford, 1978, pp. 21, 208, no. 51 (ill.).
Monet. Exh. cat., Musée National d’Art Occidental et al. Tokyo, 1982, no. 15 (ill.).
Gordon, Robert and Andrew Forge. Monet. New York, 1983, pp. 86 (ill.), 89.
A Day in the Country: Impressionism and the French Landscape. Exh. cat., Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Los Angeles, 1984, pp. 224–225, no. 83 (ill.).
Kijima, Shunsuke. Monet. Tokyo, 1985, unpaginated, no. 18 (ill.).
House, John. Monet: Nature into Art. New Haven, 1986, pp. 18; 35; 80, pl. 118 (ill.); 115; 117.
Eitner, Lorenz. An Outline of 19th century European Painting: from David through Cézanne, vol. 1. New York, 1987, p. 355.
Eitner, Lorenz. An Outline of 19th century European Painting: from David through Cézanne, vol. 2. New York, 1987, p. 183 (ill.)
Herbert, Robert L. Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society. New Haven, 1988, p. 260 (ill.)
Arcangeli, Francesco. Monet. Bologna, 1989, pp. 47–48, fig. 31 (ill.)
Bailey, Colin B. “Camille Monet (1847–1879) in the Garden at Argenteuil.” In The Annenberg Collection: Masterpieces of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. eds. Bailey, Colin B., Joseph J. Rishel and Mark Rosenthal. New York, 1989, p. 164 (ill.)
Rapetti, Rodolphe. Monet. Milan, 1990, pl. 17 (ill.)
Barnes, Rachel, ed. Monet by Monet: Artists by Themselves. London, 1990, p. 15 (ill.)
Claude Monet, 1840–1926. Exh. cat., Ville de Liège. Liège, 1992, pp. 60–61, no. 6 (ill.)
Hunt, John Dixon. Gardens and the Picturesque: Studies in the History of Landscape Architecture. Cambridge, 1992, p. 279 (ill.)
Spate, Virginia. Claude Monet: Life and Work. New York, 1992, pp. 118–119 (ill.).
Alphant, Marianne. Claude Monet: Une vie dans le paysage. Paris, 1993, p. 253.
Marcoci, Roxana. Celebrations in Art: Gardens in Bloom. New York, 1995, unpaginated (ill.).
Stuckey, Charles F. Claude Monet 1840–1926. Exh. cat., The Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, 1995, p. 201 (ill.).
Message 1995: Masterpieces of Modern Art from The Detroit Institute of Arts. Exh. cat., The Detroit Institute of Arts and Toyota Muncipal Museum of Art. Toyota, 1995, pp. 38–39 (ill.), 199, no. 4 (ill.).
Wildenstein, Daniel. Monet: Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 2. Cologne, 1996, p. 169, no. 414. (ill.).
Fell, Derek. Secrets of Monet's Garden: Bringing the Beauty of Monet's Style to Your Own Garden. New York, 1997, pp. 92–93 (ill.), 126.
Tucker, Paul Hayes. The Impressionists at Argenteuil. Exh. cat., National Gallery of Art and Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. Washington, 2000, pp. 8 (ill.); 35; 160–161, no. 47 (ill.)
Wissman, Fronia E. European Vistas: Cultural Landscapes. Detroit, 2000, pp. 66–67 (ill.).
House, John. “Monet’s ‘Gladioli.’” Bulletin of the DIA 77, no. 1/2 (2003): pp. 8–17 (ill.).
House, John. "Women Out of Doors." In Women in Impressionism, ed. Sidsel Maria Søndergaard. Milan, 2006, p. 158 (ill.).
Beal, Graham W. J. and Debra N. Mancoff. Treasures of the DIA. Detroit, 2007, pp. 350, 360, no. 284 (ill.).
Bailey, Colin B. “Camille Monet (1847–1879) in the Garden at Argenteuil.” In The Annenberg Collection: Masterpieces of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. 2nd edition. eds. Susan Alyson Stein and Asher Ethan Miller. New York, 2009, p. 76 (ill.).
Gedo, Mary Mathews. Monet and His Muse: Camille Monet in the Artist's Life. Chicago, 2010, pp. 179–180 (ill.).
Beal, Graham W.J. and Debra N. Mancoff. Treasures of the DIA. Detroit, 2014, p. 130, no. 11.1 (ill.).
Shaw, Jill. Monet: Framing Life. Exh. cat., Detroit Institute of Arts. New Haven, 2017, pp. 1–45; p. 56, no. 8 (ill.).
Monet: The Garden Paintings. Exh. cat., Kunstmuseum Den Haag. October 12, 2019-February 2, 2020, p. 8 (detail ill.), 110-111, (ill.).
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Claude Monet, Rounded Flower Bed (Corbeille de fleurs), 1876, oil on canvas. Detroit Institute of Arts, City of Detroit Purchase, 21.71.
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