Madonna and Child

Giovanni Balduccio Italian, 1300-1360
On View


European: Medieval and Renaissance, Level 2, West Wing

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About the Artwork

This Image of the standing Virgin and Child reveals a profound change in the Image of the Virgin that occurred by the early fourteenth century. Rather than confronting the viewer frontally in the Romanesque manner, here the mother and her child engage in an intimate, human relationship. The child energetically grasps the Virgin's mantle in his right hand as he leans back to peer into her face. Giovanni di Balduccio was born in Pisa and worked in Tuscany during his early years, moving north to Lombardy in the mid-1330s.

Madonna and Child

ca. between 1332 and 1334

Giovanni Balduccio





Overall (sculpture): 32 × 11 3/4 × 8 1/4 inches (81.3 × 29.8 × 21 cm) Overall (pedestal): 46 1/2 × 29 × 25 inches (118.1 × 73.7 × 63.5 cm)


European Sculpture and Dec Arts

Founders Society Purchase, Elizabeth P. Kirby Fund


Public Domain


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Richard Mortimer (Tuxedo, New York, USA);
September 24-25, 1937, sold by (American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, New York, New York, USA) Elenore J. Mortimer Sale;
1937-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)

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Exhibition History

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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.

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Published References

Valentiner, Wilhelm R. "Werke um Giovanni Pisano in Amerika." Zeitschrift für Bildende Kunst, N.F., 31 (1919-1920): pp. 111-114 (ill.).

Valentiner, Wilhelm R. Italian Gothic and Early Renaissance Sculptures. Exh. cat., DIA. Detroit, 1938, no. 9 (ill.) [unpaginated].

Exhibition and Public Sale on the Premises, Property of the Estate of the Late Elenore J. Mortimer comprising the contents of Mortimer, Tuxedo Park. Sales cat., Anderson Galleries. New York, September 24-25, 1937, p. 35, no. 175.

"Outstanding Italian Sculptures Added." Bulletin of the DIA: Annual Report 17 (February 1938): pp. 33, 41, no. 5.

Carli, Enzo. "Sculture Pisane di Giovanni di Balduccio," Emporium 97 (1943): pp. 143-154, p. 147 (ill.); pp. 150, 154.

Gnudi, Cesare. "Un'altro frammento dell'altare Bolognese di Giovanni di Balduccio." Belle Arti 1 (1947): pp. 171-173.

Valentiner, Wilhelm R. "Notes of Giovanni Balducci and Trecento Sculpture in Northern Italy." Art Quarterly 10, no. 1 (Winter 1947): pp. 40-60 (fig. 3); p. 45 (ill.).

Darr, Alan P. "A Valentiner Legacy: Italian Sculpture in Detroit." Apollo 124 (December 1986): pp. 477-478.

Medica, M. Un San Domenico per l'altare bolognese di Giovanni di Balduccio, Arte a Bologna, Bollettino dei musei civici d'arte antica (1991): p.18.

Medica, Massimo. Giovanni di Balduccio: Natività (Ospiti 3). Exh. cat., Musei Civici d'Arte Antica and Museuo Civico Medievale. Bologna, 1996, pp. 12; 25 (ill); 26; 28; 30.

Darr, Alan P., Peter Barnet, Antonia Boström, Charles Avery, et al. Catalogue of Italian Sculpture in the Detroit Institute of Arts. London, 2002, 2 vols., I, cat. 38.

Caglioti, Francesco. "Giovanni di Balduccio a Bologna: l''Annunciazione' per la rocca papale di Porta Galliera (con una digressione sulla cronologia napoletana e bolognese di Giotto)." Prospettiva 117-118 (January -April 2005): pp. 21-62, (ill.), 31-32, 50, p. 57 no. 53 (ill.).

Medica, Massimo, ed. Giotto e le arti a Bologna al tempo di Bertrando del Poggetto. Exh. cat., Museo Civivo Medievale, Bologna. Milan, 2005, pp. 48-49 (figs. 17, 21); 144; 146 (ill).;

148; 156.

Schmidt, Victor M. "Giotto. Bologna," Burlington Magazine 148, no. 1236 (March 2006): pp. 222-223, p. 222.

Mark Gregory D'Apuzzo, “Giovanni di Balduccio, Saint Pierre Martyr (Notice 3)," Bologne et le pontifical d'Autun. Exh. Cat. Ville d'Autun, Musee Rolin, Autun, 2012, pp. 69-71 (ill.).

Kennedy, Trinita, ed. Medieval Bologna: Art for a University City. Exh. cat., Frist Art Museum. Nashville, 2021, pp. 68; 89; cat. 49 (ill.).

Kindly share your feedback or any additional information, as this record is still a work in progress and may need further refinement.

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Credit Line for Reproduction

Giovanni Balduccio, Madonna and Child, ca. between 1332 and 1334, marble. Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase, Elizabeth P. Kirby Fund, 37.140.

Madonna and Child
Madonna and Child