About the Artwork
Aime Jules Dalou
modeled 1883, cast 1889
Auguste Rodin (Artist) French, 1840-1917 (Foundry) Pierre Bingen
Overall: 18 1/2 × 16 15/16 × 9 1/16 inches, 29.8 pounds (47 × 43 × 23 cm, 13.5 kg)
European Modern Art to 1970
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Ford II
Copyright Not Evaluated
Inscribed, reverse of proper left shoulder: A. Rodin P. Bingen Fond[eur?]
Marked, foundry mark, inscribed in cast, back of left shoulder: P.Bingen foundeur
Johanny Peytel (Paris, France).(M.R. Schweitzer Gallery, New York, New York, USA);
acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Ford II (Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, USA);
1960-present, gift to the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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Provenance pageExhibition History
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
Suggest FeedbackPublished References
Bulletin of the DIA 41, no. 3 (1962): pp. 46-47, (cover ill).
Fortieth Anniversary Exhibition. Exh. cat., Scweitzer Gallery. New York, November 1970, no. 41 (ill.).
"Family Art Game." Detroit Free Press (April 18, 1982): p. 18 (ill.) [DIA Advertising Supplement].
The Institute Collects. Exh. cat., DIA. Detroit, December 8, 1963 - January 3, 1965, p. 15.
The Romantics to Rodin. Exh. cat., Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Minneapolis Insitute of Arts, DIA. March 4, 1980-April 29, 1981, pp. 337-338.
Le Normand-Romain, Antoinette. The Bronzes of Rodin. Paris, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 284-285.
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Auguste Rodin; Pierre Bingen, Aime Jules Dalou, modeled 1883, cast 1889, bronze. Detroit Institute of Arts, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Ford II, 60.1.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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