View of Jerusalem

Oskar Kokoschka Austrian, 1886-1980
Not On View
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About the Artwork

Between 1924 and 1933, Oskar Kokoschka traveled intensively through Europe, North Africa, and Middle East, often painting views of the places he visited. He began View of Jerusalem in Palestine in late 1929 and finished it in Vienna in the spring of 1930. From an elevated vantage point, Kokoschka looks far into the distance at the isolated city, aiming to convey its spiritual character beyond the pure topographical information. The painting illustrates a considerable change in Kokoschka’s technique, in which he uses shorter brushstrokes and suppresses dramatic light contrasts. The freely gestural surface is built in a limited color palette into an atmospheric landscape.

View of Jerusalem


Oskar Kokoschka




Oil on canvas

Unframed: 31 1/2 × 50 1/2 inches (80 × 128.3 cm) Framed: 42 7/8 × 61 13/16 × 4 1/2 inches (108.9 × 157 × 11.4 cm)


European Modern Art to 1970

Founders Society Purchase, General Membership Fund




Signed, upper right: OK


1935-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)

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Exhibition History

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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.

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Published References

Kunstblatt. 1931, p. 41.

Exposition Oskar Kokoschka. Galeries Georges Petit. Paris, 1931, no 41 (ill.).

Seattle Art Museum. Expressionism. Seattle, 1953.

Twentieth Century Painting. Detroit Institute of Arts, 1936 and 2nd ed., 1945.

American Artist 16, 3 (March 1952): p. 47 (ill.).

Toledo Museum of Art. What is Modern Art. Toledo, 1960.

Oskar Kokoschka, The Work of the Painter. Galerie Welz. Salzburg, 1958, p. 319, no. 244 (pl. 86).

Kokoschka. Exh. cat., Tate Gallery. London, 1962, no. 105 (pl. 29).

Bosman, A. Kokoschka. New York, 1964, p. 90, no. 66 (ill.).

German and Austrian Expressionism. Exh. cat., Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art. Chicago, 1978, no. 28.

Uhr, H. Masterpieces of German Expresssionism at the Detroit Institute of Arts. New York, 1982, p. 126 (ill.).

Oskar Kokoschka, 1886-1980. Exh. cat., Museu Picasso. Barcelona, 1988, p. 68, cat. 34.

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Catalogue Raisoneé

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Credit Line for Reproduction

Oskar Kokoschka, View of Jerusalem, 1929-1930, oil on canvas. Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase, General Membership Fund, 35.110.

View of Jerusalem
View of Jerusalem