About the Artwork
Still Life with Dead Hare
ca. 1760
Jean Siméon Chardin
Oil on canvas
Unframed: 28 3/4 × 23 1/2 inches (73 × 59.7 cm) Framed: 37 5/8 × 32 1/2 × 4 inches (95.6 × 82.6 × 10.2 cm)
European Painting
City of Detroit Purchase
Public Domain
Signed, lower left: Chardin Pt
Aignan-Thomas Desfriches [1715-1800] (Orléans, France);by inheritance, to his daughter, Mme. de Limay;
May 6-7, 1834, sold at Desfriches sale (Paris, France) lot 55 [including its pendant];
Mme. Becq de Fouquières (Paris, France);
May 8, 1925, (Hôtel Drouot, Paris, France) lot 17 [pendant was no. 18, purchased by Yves Perdoux];
M. Sherematieff (Paris, France);
Dr. Wendland (Basel, Switzerland);
purchased by (Kleinberger Galleries, New York, New York, USA);
November 1926, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
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Ratouis de Limay, P. Un Amateur Orléanois au XVIIIe Siècle, Aignan-Thomas Desfriches (1715-1800), sa vie, son oeuvre, ses collections, sa correspondance. Paris, 1907, p. 31, note 1.
Guiffrey, J. Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint et dessiné de J.B. Siméon Chardin. Paris, 1908, p. 31, no. 55.
Ratouis de Limay, P. "Un inventaire de la collection de l'amateur orléannais Aignan-Thomas Desfriches." Archives de l'Art français 8 (1916): pp. 261-270.
"Vendredi 8 Mai: Hôtel Drouot." Le Figaro artistique 2, 77 (June 4,1925): p. 539, p. 523 (ill.).
Roger-Milès, L. "Les Grandes Ventes Prochaines." supplement of La Revue de l'Art 47, no. 718 (May 1925): 175 (ill.).
Fourth Loan Exhibition of Old Masters: French Paintings of the Eighteenth Century. Exh. cat., Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1926, cat. 10.
W[alther], L.J. "A Still Life by Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin." Bulletin of the DIA 8, no. 4 (January 1927): pp. 43-45 (ill.).
Heil, W. Catalogue of Paintings in the Permanent Collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1930, cat. 30 (ill.).
Wildenstein, G. Chardin. Paris, 1933, p. 210, no. 717 (fig. 144).
Richardson, E.P., ed. Detroit Institute of Arts Catalogue of Paintings. Detroit, 1944, p. 24, no. 30.
Stechow, W. "Notes on an Exhibition of Still Life Paintings from the 17th to the 19th Century," Bulletin of the Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College) 2, no. 1 (March 1945): pp. 2-13, pp. 11-12 (ill.).
French Still Life from Chardin to Cezanne. Exh. cat., Seligmann-Helft Galleries. New York, 1947, cat. no. 12.
"From French Tables." Art News 46, no. 9 (November 1947): p. 39 (ill.).
Beuning, M. "Chardin and Other Still Life Masters Featured in New York Show." Art Digest 22, no. 3 (November 1, 1947): p. 12 (ill.).
Eighteenth Century Art of France and England. Exh. cat., Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Montreal, 1950, cat. no. 18.
Wildenstein, G. "A propos de la jeunesse et des débuts de Chardin." Archives de l'Art Français 22 (1959): p. 177; pp. 175-178.
Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz Staatliche Museum, Verzeichnis der ausgestellten Gemälde des 13. bis 18. Jahrhunderts in Museum Dahlem. Berlin, 1963, p. 28 (mention in no. 1944).
Wildenstein, G. Chardin, revised and enlarged by D. Wildenstein. Zurich, 1963, p. 199, no. 283 (fig. 133); Greenwich, 1969, p. 207, no. 283 (fig. 133).
Scott, B. "Aignan-Thomas Desfriches, Artist and Collector from Orleans." Apollo 97, no. 131 (January 1973): 41 (ill.) (fig. 10); pp. 36-41.
Banks, O.T. Watteau and the North: Studies in the Dutch and Flemish Baroque Influences on French Rococo Painting. New York, 1977, p. 86.
Chardin 1699-1779. Exh. cat., Grand Palais, et al. Paris,1979, no. 113, pp. 319-322 (ill.).
Rosenberg, P. L'Opera Completa di Chardin. Milan, 1983, p. 107, no. 160, p. 108 (ill.).
Conisbee, P. Chardin. Oxford, 1986, p. 190-191 (ill.), pl. 187.
Masterpieces from The Detroit Institute of Arts. Exh. cat., Bunkamura Museum of Art, et al. Tokyo, 1989, pp. 68, 211, cat. 36 (ill.).
Roland Michel, M. Chardin. New York, 1996, pp. 227, 231 (ill.).
Challe, D. "Oder die Legende vom Wald." Eugène Cuvelier. Exh. cat. Stuttgart, 1996, p. 70 (ill.).
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Jean Siméon Chardin, Still Life with Dead Hare, ca. 1760, oil on canvas. Detroit Institute of Arts, City of Detroit Purchase, 26.296.
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