About the Artwork
Shepherd and Shepherdess
between 1500 and 1530
Wool and silk
Overall (Post-Conservation Treatment): 79 × 162 3/4 inches (200.7 cm × 4 m 13.4 cm) Overall (Pre-Conservation Treatment): 83 × 167 inches (210.8 cm × 4 m 24.2 cm)
European Sculpture and Dec Arts
Bequest of Eleanor Clay Ford
Public Domain
Inscribed, near head of lady: Mout me plaist ce getil bouchage | le layme tant que ie nen hobbe | et bref pour faire bon mesnage | le ne veuil que ma garderobe Inscribed, near head of knight: Bergerette plaisant et saige | metryez vous point sous vostre robe | ce que vous bailleray en gaige | afin que on ne le vous desrobe
ca. 1515-1530, possibly made for Françoise de Tournemine.by 1889, Charles Mège (Paris, France).
(Raoul Heilbronner, Paris, France);
November 2, 1928, (French & Co., New York, New York, USA);
November 19, 1928, (Parish Watson & Co., New York, New York, USA);
Eleanor Clay Ford (Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan, USA);
1977-present, bequest to the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
Suggest FeedbackPublished References
Migeon, Gaston. "Collection de M. Ch. Mège." Les Arts 8, no. 86 (February 1909): pp. 2-19; p. 2 (ill.).
Seventh Loan Exhibition: French Gothic Art of the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Century. Exh. cat., DIA. Detroit, 1928, no. 103 [see also, Weibel, Adele C. "Tapestries"].
Cavallo, Adolph Salvatore. "The Garden of Vanity: 'A Millefleurs' Tapestry." Bulletin of the DIA 57, no. 1 (1979): pp. 30-39 (ill.) [As "The Garden of Vanity"].
Cavallo, Adolph Salvatore. Medieval Tapestries in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, 1993, pp. 485-487 (ill.) [see no. 35].
Darr, Alan Phipps and Tracey Albainy. Woven Splendor: Five Centuries of European Tapestry at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Exh. cat., DIA. Detroit, 1996, pp. 4 (ill.), 13, 20-23, no. 2 (ill.).
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Flemish, Shepherd and Shepherdess, between 1500 and 1530, wool and silk. Detroit Institute of Arts, Bequest of Eleanor Clay Ford, 77.9.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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