About the Artwork
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Rescuing a Boy from Drowning
ca. 1500-1530
Circle of Pietro Perugino
Tempera on wood panel
Unframed (irreg.): 10 3/8 × 20 7/16 × 13/16 inches (26.3 × 51.9 × 2 cm) Framed: 15 9/16 × 25 1/2 × 2 7/8 inches (39.5 × 64.8 × 7.3 cm)
European Painting
Gift of Ralph Harman Booth
Public Domain
Marked, verso, green wax seal. Marked, verso, red wax seal. Marked, printed label: 2376. Marked, label, on frame: 1958. Marked, printed label, on frame: 13.
prior to 1923, collection Alphonse Kann (Paris, France);January 7, 1927, auction of Alphonse Kann by (American Art Association, New York, New York, USA), lot 35;
Ralph H. Booth (Detroit, Michigan, USA);
1927-present, gift to the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
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Gnoli, Umberto. Pittori e miniatori nell'Umbria. Spoleto, 1923, p. 105 [as in the collection of A. Kahn].
The Alphonse Kann Collection. Sales cat., American Art Association. New York, January 7, 1927, unpaginated, part 2: no. 35 (ill.) [as "Legendary scene in a landscape" by Eusebio di San Giorgio].
Valentiner, Wilhelm R. "Zwei Predellen zu Raffaels frühestem Altarwerk." In Festschrift für Max J. Friedlander. Leipzig, 1927, p. 244 [as by Raphael].
Heil, Walter and Clyde H. Burroughs. Catalogue of Paintings in the Permanent Collection of The Detroit Institute of Arts of the City of Detroit. Detroit, 1930, unpaginated, no. 176 (ill.) [as by Raphael].
Berenson, Bernard. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and their Works with an Index of Places. Oxford, 1932, p. 178 [as Eusebio di San Giorgio].
Marle, Raimond van. The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, vol 14. The Hague, 1933, p. 404 [as by an artist in the circle of Perugino. Also see p. 437, n. 2, regarding two predella panels in Budapest museum that appear identical with Detroit panels].
Fischel, O. "Raffaello Santi (Sanzio)." Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler 29, eds. Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. Leipzig, 1935, p. 434.
Berenson, Bernard. Pitture Italiane del Rinascimento. Milan, 1936, p. 153 [as by Eusebio da San Giorgio].
Venturi, Adolfo. "Quattro parti di predella raffaelesca." L'Arte 43, no. 3 (1940): pp. 134–139, pp. 134, 136 (ill.) [as by Raphael].
Valentiner, W.R. "A Note on Two Raphael Predella Panels," Bulletin of the DIA 20, no. 7 (1941): pp. 70–72, (ill.) [as by Raphael].
Richardson, E.P., ed. The Detroit Institute of Arts, Catalogue of Paintings. Detroit, 1944, p. 106, no. 176 [as by Raphael].
Schöne, Wolfgang. "Raphaels Krönung des heiligen Nikolaus von Tolentino." In Eine Gabe der Freunde für Carl Georg Heise zum 28.VI.1950, ed. Erich Meyer. Berlin, 1950, p. 134, note 38.
Bock von Wülfingen. "Ein unbekanntes Bild aus der Jugendzeit Raffaels." Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden kunst 3, no. 2 (1951): pp. 105–117, p. 117.
Réau, Louis. "Nicolas de Tolentino." In Iconographie de l'art chretién 3, pt. 2. Paris, 1958, p. 990 [as by Raphael].
Volpe, Carlo. "Notizie e discussione su Raffaello giovane." Arte antica e moderna 17 (January–March 1962): pp. 79–85, p. 80 [as by Raphael].
Paintings in the Detroit Institute of Arts: A Check List of the Paintings Acquired Before June, 1965. Detroit, 1965, p. 90 [as by attributed to Raphael].
Dussler, Luitpold. Raffael: Kritisches Verzeichnis der Gemälde, Wandbilder und Bildteppiche. Munich, 1966, pp. 24, 51, no. 22. [as by Raphael].
Berenson, Bernard. Italian pictures of the Renaissance: a list of the principal artists and their works with an index of places, Central Italian and North Italian schools, vol. 1. London, 1968, p. 123.
Dussler, Luitpold. Raphael: A Critical Catalogue of his Pictures, Wall-Paintings and Tapestries. London, 1971, pp. 2, 57–58.
Fredericksen, Burton B. and Federico Zeri. Census of Pre-Nineteenth-Century Italian Paintings in North American Collections. Cambridge, 1972, p. 161, 436, 579. [as by follower of Perugino].
Fahy, Everett. Some followers of Domenico Ghirlandaio. New York, 1976, p. 188. [cited, as by Pisan follower of Pintoricchio].
Béguin, Sylvie. "Un nouveau Raphaël au Louvre: un ange du retable de Saint Nicolas de Tolentino," La Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France 31, no. 2 (1982): pp. 99–115, p. 113, note 9.
Brown, David Alan. Raphael and America. Exh. cat., National Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C., 1983, p. 44, 101, note 128.
Marabottini, Alessandro. "Raffaello fino all'ottobre del 1504." In Raffaello giovane e Città di Castello. Città di Castello, 1983, pp. 87, 88, note 32 (ill.).
Todini, Filippo. La pittura umbra: dal duecento al primo cinquecento, vol. 1. Milan, 1989, p. 65.
Becherer, Joseph Antenucci. Pietro Perugino: Master of the Italian Renaissance. Exh. cat., Grand Rapids Art Museum. Grand Rapids, 1997, pp. 158–161, no. 6b (ill.).
López, Maria Giannatiempo, ed. Immagine e Mistero il Sole il Libro il Giglio: Iconografia de San Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte italiana dal XIV al XX secolo. Milan, 2005, pp. 128–131, cat. 44c (ill.). [as by Raphael in collaboration with Evangelista di Pian di Meleto]
Pace, Valentino, ed. San Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte: Corpus iconografico, vol. 1. Milan, 2005. pp. 188 (ill.), 356, no. 244. [as by an anonymous painter]
Raffaello e l'eco del Mito. Exh. cat., Accademia Carrara. Bergamo, 2018, pp. 166–169, no. 13 (ill.).
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Credit Line for Reproduction
circle of Pietro Perugino, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Rescuing a Boy from Drowning, ca. 1500-1530, tempera on wood panel. Detroit Institute of Arts, Gift of Ralph Harman Booth, 27.10.
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