About the Artwork
Lola de Valence
Édouard Manet (Artist) French, 1832-1883 Auguste Delâtre (Printer) French, 1872-1907 Cadart and Luquet (Publisher) French
Etching and aquatint printed in black ink on laid paper
Plate: 10 1/4 × 7 1/8 inches (26 × 18.1 cm) Sheet: 13 × 9 1/2 inches (33 × 24.1 cm)
Prints, Drawings & Photographs
Founders Society Purchase, General Endowment Fund
Public Domain
Signed, in plate, lower left of image: ed. Manet
Inscribed, in plate above image, upper right: 67 Inscribed, below image, lower left: Ed. Manet sculpt. Inscribed, lower right: Paris, Pubilée par A. CADART & LUQUET, Editeurs, 79, Rue Richelieu Inscribed, lower left edge of plate: Imp. Delatre, Rue St. Jacques, 303, Paris Inscribed, in plate, lower center: Entre tant de beautés que partout on peut voir | Je comprendre bien, amis, que le Désir balance; | Mais on voit scintiller dans Lola de Valence| Le charme inattendu d'un bijou rose et noir. (Ch. Baudelaire)
Watermark: Arc(hes)
Rouart Collection.1970-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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Fisher, Jay McKean. The Prints of Édouard Manet. Exh. cat., International Exhibitions Foundation. Washington, D.C., 1985, no. 25.
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Édouard Manet, Lola de Valence, 1862, etching and aquatint printed in black ink on laid paper. Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase, General Endowment Fund, 70.581.
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