About the Artwork
Possibly Turone da Verona
Tempera on wood panel
Unframed: 58 1/2 × 21 1/4 inches (148.6 × 54 cm) Framed: 62 3/4 × 28 7/8 × 2 3/4 inches (159.4 × 73.3 × 7 cm)
European Painting
City of Detroit Purchase
Public Domain
Inscribed, lower part of panel: HOC OP[VS] FEC[IT] FIERI FRA[TER] LA[N]FRANCHINO [DE] VALE[N]ZANO, CVI OPE[RE] ATTVLIT D[OMI]NA MARCHA D[E] VGONIB[VS] MCCCLI. [translated: This work was ordered by Frater Lanfranchino of Valenzano in 1351, whose work was supported by Donna Marcha de Ugonibus.]
private collection (Vienna, Austria);(E. & A. Silberman Gallery, New York, New York, USA);
February 1938-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
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Valentiner, W. R. "A Crucifixion of the Giotto School," Bulletin of the DIA 17, no. 8 (1938): pp. 70, 65, (repr.).
"Detroit: Season's Acquisitions," Art News, vol. 36 (July 1938): pp. 12, 22, esp. p. 12.
McCall, George Henry. Catalogue of European Painting and Sculpture from 1300-1800. Exh. cat., New York World's Fair. New York, 1939, p. 72, cat. 145.
Ragghianti, C. L. "Notizie e letture," La Critica d'Arte, vol. 5 (1940): no. 23, p. VIII.
Sinibaldi, G. & G. Brunetti. Pittura italiana del Duecento e Trecento (catalogo della mostra giottesca di Firenze del 1937). Florence, 1943, p. 599 [as close to the Master of the Crocifissione Rasini].
Valentiner, W. R. Italian Gothic Painting, Guide VI. Detroit, 1944, p. 50, (fig. 22).
Richardson, E. P., ed. DIA Catalogue of Paintings, 2nd ed. Detroit, 1944, p. 136, no. 772.
Masterpieces of Painting and Sculpture. DIA. Detroit, 1949, p. 36, (repr. only).
Pallucchini, R. La pittura veneziana del Trecento. Venice/Rome, 1964, p. 141, (fig. 436) [as Turone?].
Fredericksen, B. and F. Zeri. Census of pre-19th century Italian paintings in North American Collections. 1972, pp. 206, 579 [attributed to Turone].
Richardson, E.P., ed. Treasures from the Detroit Institute of Arts, 3rd ed. Detroit, 1966, p. 62, (repr.).
Cummings, F. and C. Elam, eds. DIA Illustrated Handbook. Detroit, 1971, p. 72, (repr.).
Mellini, G. L. "Elogio della pittura veronese de primo Trecento." In Scritti de Storia dell'Arte in onore di Federico Zeri, vol. 2. Milan, 1984, pp. 46-54, esp. p. 49 [as Pittore della Crocifissione di Detroit].
Lucco, M. "Pittura del Duecento e del Trecento nelle province venete," La pittura in Italia. Il Duecento e il Trecento. Milan, 1986, pp. 113-149, esp. pp. 120-121.
Cozzi, E. "Verona," La pittura nel Veneto. Il Trecento. Milan, 1992, pp. 309-379, esp. p. 326.
Boskovits, M. "Su Giusto de Menabuoi e sul giottismo in Italia Settentrionale." In Studi di Storia dell'Arte in onore di Mina Gregori. Milan, 1994, pp. 26-34 [as Altichiero da Zevio].
Pittori gotici a Bolzano. Exh. cat., Museo Civico. Bolzano, 2000, p. 75, no. 82 [entry by A. De Marchi]; p. 168 [entry by T. Franco].
Ibsen, M. "Sistemi decorativi nell'Alto Garda." In Chiese dell'Alto Garda Bresicano, Vescovi, Eremiti, Monasteri, Territorio tra Tardoantico e Romanico, eds. Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Monica Ibsen, Vincenzo Gheroldi, Annalisa Colecchia. Documenti di Archeologia 31, Società Archeologica Padana. Mantova, 2003, p. 76-77 (ill.) [full article is pp. 57-93) (cites possible provenance of Gargnano for painting and lists it as att. to Altichiero; it is center part of a triptych and is certainly from a Franciscan church around Brescia].
Pinacoateca Ambrosiana, catalogo. Milan, 2005, p. 139 [as Turone di Massio or da Verona; it is an early work in his production].
Benati, D. "Jacopo Avanzi e Altichiero a Padova." In Il secolo di Giotto nel Veneto. Venice, 2007, pp. 385-415, esp. p. 389, (fig. 2) [as Maestro della Crocifissione Rasini].
Giovanni da Milano: Capolavori del Gotico fra Lombardia e Toscana. Exh. cat., Gallerie dell'Accademia. Florence, 2008, pp. 156-158, cat. 5 [attributed to Altichiero--cat. entry by S. Chiodo], (repr.) [exh. organized by D. Parenti].
Strehkle, C.B. "Giovanni da Milano; Giotto and his heirs," The Burlington Magazine, CL (October 2009): p. 712 [in his review of the exhibition, Strehkle reports the attribution to Altichiero].
Kindly share your feedback or any additional information, as this record is still a work in progress and may need further refinement.
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Credit Line for Reproduction
possibly Turone da Verona, Crucifixion, 1351, tempera on wood panel. Detroit Institute of Arts, City of Detroit Purchase, 38.25.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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