About the Artwork
The Burning of Troy
between 1570 and 1574
Fontana Workshop
Tin-glazed earthenware with polychrome decoration
Overall: 3 3/16 × 18 1/4 inches diameter (8.1 × 46.4 cm)
European Sculpture and Dec Arts
Founders Society Purchase with funds from Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kanzler in memory of Mrs. William Clay
Public Domain
Inscribed, on bottom in underglaze blue: G.V.V.D. | Munus .F. Andrea | Volaterrano . | L'incendio de Troia : [translated: The gift of Guido Ubaldo, Duke of Urbino, to Brother Andrea of Volterra. The Burning of Troy]
Marks, on bottom: [faded marks in grey or brown] Marks, on bottom: 61.168
Guidobaldo, Duke of Urbino;gift to Fra Andrea Ghetti da Volterra;
by 1844, Geremia Delsette (Bologna, Italy);
by 1857, Alexander Barker (London, England);
Baron Gustave Rothschild (Paris, France);
acquired by his grandson, Baron Lambert;
Baroness Lambert (New York, New York, USA);
1941, Rothschild-Lambert sale, lot 127.
(French and Co., New York, New York, USA);
1961-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
Suggest Feedback (opens in a new tab)Published References
Pryor, J. "A Gift of Maiolica Ware." Bulletin of the DIA 41, no. 1 (1961): pp. 13-15, p. 16 (ill.).
Wethey, A. "A Historiated Majolica Serving Platter" Bulletin of the DIA 58, no. 1, 1980, pp. 37-42, p. 36 (ill.).
Wilson, Timothy. "La maiolica a Castel Durante e ad Urbino fra il 1535 e il 1565: alcuni corredi stemmati." In I Della Rovere nell'Italia delle corti, vol. 4, Arte della maiolica, ed. Gian Carlo Bojani. Urbino, 2002, pp. 125-127 (ill.), 151.
Bulletin of the DIA 87, no. 1/4: Italian Renaissance and Later Ceramics (2013): no. 18.
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Fontana Workshop, The Burning of Troy, between 1570 and 1574, tin-glazed earthenware with polychrome decoration. Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase with funds from Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kanzler in memory of Mrs. William Clay, 61.168.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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