Contempt (60th Anniversary Restoration)

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Friday, Nov 10, 2023
7 p.m.

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Sunday, Nov 12, 2023
2 p.m.

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General admission $10.50
Senior, Students, and DIA Members $8.50
Discount Passes $38

+$1.50 online convenience fee


Detroit Film Theatre

5200 Woodward Ave
Detroit, MI 48202
United States

France/Italy/1963 | Dir: Jean-Luc Godard

Godard’s foray into lush color and CinemaScope moviemaking stars the great Michel Piccoli as a screenwriter caught in a tangle of deceit and ambition between a difficult, demanding director (Fritz Lang), a crude, snarling American producer (Jack Palance), and his disillusioned wife (Brigitte Bardot), as he attempts to doctor the script for an adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey.

A pillar of the French New Wave, Godard’s cinematography with its sun-soaked settings, dazzling seascapes, and complex color scenes, are spectacularly refreshed in a dazzling new restoration. In French, German and Italian with English subtitles. (104 min.) 

“A masterwork…a many-layered odyssey of intelligence and sensuality.” –Phillip Lopate, The New York Times

A blonde woman wearing a navy cardigan and headband stands in profile next to a country road.

France/Italy/1963 | Dir: Jean-Luc Godard

Godard’s foray into lush color and CinemaScope moviemaking stars the great Michel Piccoli as a screenwriter caught in a tangle of deceit and ambition between a difficult, demanding director (Fritz Lang), a crude, snarling American producer (Jack Palance), and his disillusioned wife (Brigitte Bardot), as he attempts to doctor the script for an adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey.

A pillar of the French New Wave, Godard’s cinematography with its sun-soaked settings, dazzling seascapes, and complex color scenes, are spectacularly refreshed in a dazzling new restoration. In French, German and Italian with English subtitles. (104 min.) 

“A masterwork…a many-layered odyssey of intelligence and sensuality.” –Phillip Lopate, The New York Times