About the Artwork
Saint Sebastian Nursed by Saint Irene
17th century
Workshop of Georges de La Tour
Oil on canvas
Unframed: 42 3/4 × 48 3/4 inches (108.6 × 123.8 cm) Framed: 53 1/4 × 59 1/4 × 2 3/4 inches (135.3 × 150.5 × 7 cm)
European Painting
Founders Society Purchase, Ralph Harman Booth Bequest Fund
Public Domain
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art market [probably Vitale Bloch] (Amsterdam, Netherlands).December 8, 1933, auctioned (Robinson, Fisher & Harding, London, England), lot 4;
1934, (Rosenbaum, London, England);
1934, (Rowland, Browse & Delbanco, London, England);
1935, (Julius Weitzner, New York, New York, USA);
1935, collection of Joseph Brummer (New York, New York, USA);
1947, acquired by (E. & A. Silberman, New York, New York, USA);
1948-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
Suggest FeedbackPublished References
Sterling, Charles. Les Peintres de la Réalité en France au XVII Siècle. Exh. cat., Orangerie. Paris, 1934, p. 62 [citing Rouen version].
Pariset, F.-G. "Georges de La Tour et Saint Sébastien." Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Francais (1935): p. 13 ff [not citing Detroit version].
Chefs d'Oeuvre de l'Art Francais. 1937, p. 46, cited under cat. 85 [the version in Berlin].
Jamot, P. and L. Carré. Georges de la Tour The Brothers Le Nain. Sales (?) cat., M. Knoedler & Co. New York, 1937, cited under cat. 8.
Jamot, P. "Georges de La Tour, a propos de quelques tableaux nouvellement découverts," Gazette de Beaux-Arts, vol. XXI, no. 907 (May-June 1939): p. 275 [citing Berlin version].
Jamot, P. Georges de la Tour. Paris, 1948, p. 44 [citing Berlin version].
Pariset, Francois-Georges. Georges de la Tour. Paris, 1948, pp. 200-201; 393 [cited in notes 21, 22].
Furness, S. M. M. Georges de la Tour of Lorraine. London, 1949, pp. 112-115 [citing the Rouen version].
Richardson, E. P. "Georges de la Tour's St. Sebastian Nursed by Saint Irene." Bulletin of the DIA 28, no. 2 (1949): pp. 26-30, (repr.).
Richardson, E. P. "Georges de la Tour's St. Sebastian Nursed by St. Irene," Art Quarterly, vol. 12 (1949): pp. 81-89, (repr.).
Bloch, V. "L'Art francais," Maandblad voor beeldende Kunst (April-May 1949): pp. 92, 128.
Furness, S. M. M. Georges de la Tour of Lorraine. London, 1949, pp. 112-115 [the Rouen version].
Pruvost, J. "Un Tableau de Georges de la Tour au Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans," Musées de France, vol. 7 (September 1950): p. 188 [cting Orléans version].
Grau, A. Diabolus in Musica. Detroit, Univ. of Detroit Press, 1955, p. 58, (repr.).
Bloch, V. Georges de la Tour. Amsterdam, 1950, pp. 53, 70, no. 19a. 2nd. ed., 1953.
Trends in Painting, 1600-1800. Exh. cat., Albright Art Gallery. Buffalo, October 2-November 3, 1957, p. 9, cat. 2 [entry by E. M. Smith].
Murray, L. and A. Blunt, compiled. Heritage of France: French Painting 1610-1760. Exh. cat., Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Montreal, 1961, cited on p. 43, under cat. 37.
Pariset, F.-G. "Georges de la Tour," Encyclopedia of World Art, vol. 9 (1964): cols. 161-165, esp. col. 163.
Tableaux francais du XVIIème siècle et italiens des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles: Inventaire des collections publiques francaises, vol. 14. Paris, 1966, pp. 75-78, cited under cat. 62, p. 77 [entry by P. Rosenberg].
Popovitch, O. Catalogue des peintures du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen. Paris, 1967, p. 75 [cited in the entry on the Rouen version of the subject].
Mayer, R. A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques. Crowell Publ. Co., 1969, p. 50, (illus. only).
Volpe, Carlo. "Annotazioni sulla Mostra Caravaggesca di Cleveland," Paragone, no. 263 (1972): pp. 50-76, esp. pp. 69-70 [citing DIA version in conjunction with that now in the Kimbell Art Museum].
Tanaka, H. L'Oeuvre de George de La Tour. Tokyo, 1972, no. 28, pl. 19.2 [in Japanese].
Rosenberg, P. and J. Thuillier. Georges de La Tour. Exh. cat., Orangerie. Paris, pp. ? [cited under cat. 47].
Nicolson, B., & C. Wright. "Georges de La Tour et la Grande-Bretagne," La Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France, no. 2 (1972): pp. 135-142, esp. p. 136.
Solesmes, F. Georges de La Tour. Lausanne, 1973, p. 163.
Thuillier, J. L'Opera completa di Georges de La Tour. Milan, 1973, p. 93, cited under cat. 41 [as a copy of inferior quality].
Nicolson, B. & C. Wright. Georges de La Tour. London, Phaidon, 1974, pp. 33-35; 184-185, cat. 43, Copy A, (repr.).
France in the Golden Age, Seventeenth-Century French Paintings in American Collections. Exh. cat., Grand Palais, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Institute of Chicago. Paris, New York, Chicago, 1982, p. 354, no. 8, (repr.) [as a copy and not in the exhibition].
Mojana, M. Georges de La Tour. Paris, 1992, no.15.A.2.
Wright, C. The Masters of Candlelight An Anthology of Great Masters Including Georges de La Tour[...]. Landschut, 1995, no. 19.1.
Le Floch, J.-C. Le Signe de contradiction. Essai sur Georges de La Tour et son oeuvre. Rennes, 1995, p.1 29.
Cuzin, J.-P., & D. Salmon. Georges de La Tour. Histoire d'une redécouverte. Paris, 1997, p. 51, (repr.).
Georges de La Tour. Exh. cat., Grand Palais. Paris, 1997/1998, p. 176, cat. 31 C6, (repr.) [as copy after a lost original; exh. org. by J.-P. Cuzin & P. Rosenberg].
[?] Connaissance des arts, n.s., 1997, p. 23 (ill.).
Le Saint Sébastien soigné par Irène de Georges de La Tour. Exh. cat., Musée des beaux-arts. Orléans, 1998, no.6, pp. 13, 17, 36-37 (ill.), 42 [essay & entry by J.-P. Cuzin].
Baillio, Joseph, et al. The Arts of France from François Ier to Napoléon Ier, A Centennial Celebration of Wildenstein's Presence in New York. Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York 2005, p. 114 [as one of 12 known versions of the scene].
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Credit Line for Reproduction
workshop of Georges de La Tour, Saint Sebastian Nursed by Saint Irene, 17th century, oil on canvas. Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase, Ralph Harman Booth Bequest Fund, 48.278.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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