About the Artwork
Lot and His Daughters
Jan de Cock
ca. 1490-1527
Oil on oak panel
Unframed: 14 1/4 × 19 1/4 inches (36.2 × 48.9 cm) Framed: 18 3/8 × 23 1/4 × 1 7/8 inches (46.7 × 59.1 × 4.8 cm)
European Painting
City of Detroit Purchase
Public Domain
Inscribed, on stone, in stream: L 1523
Dr. Ernest L. Parker (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA);1925-present, purchase by the Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
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The exhibition history of a number of objects in our collection only begins after their acquisition by the museum, and may reflect an incomplete record.
We welcome your feedback for correction and/or improvement.
Suggest FeedbackPublished References
Valentiner, W.R. "A Painting by Engelbrechtsen." Bulletin of the DIA 7, no. 1 (1925): p. 7 (ill.).
Heil, W. Catalogue of Paintings in the Permanent Collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1930, cat. 37 (ill.). [as Jan Wellens de Cock.]
Friedländer, M.J. Altniederländische Malerei, vol. 11. Leiden, 1934, p. 126, no. 111, pl. IL.
Beets, N. "Zestiende-eeuwsche Kunstenaars, IV, Lucas Corneliszoon de Kock." Oud Holland 53 (1936) pp. 55-78 (fig. 54). [as Lucas Cornelisz. de Cock.]
Richardson, E.P. Flemish Painting of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Detroit, 1936 (fig. 10). [as Jan Wellens de Cock.]
Baldass, L. "Die niederländischen Maler des spätgotischen Stiles." Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, N.F. 11. 1937, p. 127.
Hoogewerff, G.J. De Noord-Nederlandsche Schilderkunst, vol. III. The Hague, 1939, pp. 351-353 (ill.). [as Lucas Cornelisz.]
Loan Exhibition of Early Dutch Paintings 1460-1540. Exh. cat., Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, 1944, p. 12, cat. 13 (ill.). [as Lucas Cornelisz. Kunst.]
Richardson, E.P., ed. Detroit Institute of Arts Catalogue of Paintings. Detroit, 1944, pp. 28, 163, no. 37 (ill.). [as Jan de Cock.]
Valentiner, W.R. "Notes on the So-Called Jan de Cock." Art Quarterly 13, no. 1 (Winter 1950): p. 61 (ill.). [identifies Jan de Cock as Cornelis Cornelisz.]
Beets, N. "Nog eens Jan Wellens de Cock en de zonen van Cornelis Engebrechtsz.: Pieter Cornelisz. Kunst, Cornelis Cornelisz. Kunst, Lucas Cornelisz. de Kock." Oud Holland 67 (1952): pp. 1-30 (fig. 12).
Kock, R.A. "A Rediscovered Painting, The Road to Calvary of Henri Met de Bles." Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University 14, no. 2 (1955): p. 47 (fig. 12).
Masterpieces of Art in Memory of W. R. Valentiner. Exh. cat., North Carolina Museum of Art. Raleigh, 1959, p. 281, no. 73 (ill.).
Puyvelde, L. van. La Peinture Flamande au Siècle de Bosch et Brueghel. Paris, 1962, p. 159, pl. 71.
Le Siècle de Bruegel. Exh. cat., Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Brussels, 1963, pp. 82-83, cat. 73, pl. 41.
Osten, G. van der and H. Vey. Painting and Sculpture in Germany and the Netherlands: 1500-1600. Harmondsworth, 1969, p. 180, pl. 164. [as by Cornelis Cornelisz.]
Franz, H.G. Niederländische Landschaftsmalerei im Zeitalter des Manierismus. Graz, 1969, vo. 2, p. 60 (fig. 107). [as anonymous (Jan de Cock?).]
Friedländer, M.J. Early Netherlandish Painting, vol. 11. Leiden, 1974, p. 78, no. 111, pl. 92.
Corwin, N.A. "The Fire Landscape: Its Sources and Its Development from Bosch through Jan Brueghel I, with Special Emphasis on the Mid-Sixteenth Century Bosch 'Revival,'" Ph.D. diss., University of Washington, Seattle, 1976, no. 36, pp. 239-240, pl. 55, also p. 230, 236. [as Antwerp mannerist with Leyden influences.]
Gibson, W.S. The Paintings of Corneis Engebrechtsz. New York and London, 1977, pp. 188, 256 (fig. 61). [as by the Master of the Vienna Lamentation.]
Illuminating the Renaissance: The Triumph of Flemish Manuscript Painting in Europe." Exh. cat., J. Paul Getty Museum and Royal Academy. Los Angeles and London, 2003, pp. 511-12, and footnote 1.
de Vrij, Marc Rudolf. Jan Wellens de Cock. Antwerp Mannerist Associate. Zwanenburg, 2009, p.158-159. [as by the Master of the Vienna Lamentation.]
Vogelaar, Christian et al. Lucas van Leyden en de Renaissance. Exh. cat., Leiden, 2011, pp. 111-112, 211.
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Credit Line for Reproduction
Jan de Cock, Lot and His Daughters, 1523, oil on oak panel. Detroit Institute of Arts, City of Detroit Purchase, 25.65.
We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement.
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