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Detroit Institute of Arts hires Marcia Crawley as vice president of Development

Updated Jul 28, 2017

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July 28, 2017 (Detroit)—The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) has hired Marcia Crawley as its new vice president of Development, the division responsible for all fundraising efforts at the museum. Crawley’s past leadership in development for both art museums and universities makes her uniquely qualified to lead the museum’s operating endowment campaign, and she brings a fresh perspective to building the membership, donor relations, grants and planned giving departments at the DIA. Crawley begins at the museum July 31.

“Marcia’s skills and experience will help us achieve one of our most important goals, which is to secure the DIA’s long-term financial sustainability,” said Salvador Salort-Pons, DIA director. “The fundraising challenge the DIA faces for the upcoming years is tall, and the entire organization is behind this critical effort. Marcia will work closely with me, our board chair, Gene Gargaro, and the rest of our board of directors to ensure the DIA will be open for future generations. I am excited and impressed with her warm personality, work ethic and leadership qualities, which will help strengthen our team and build lasting relationships in our community, the region, the state of Michigan and beyond.”

Crawley comes to the DIA from Michigan State University (MSU), where as senior director of Development she managed advancement efforts for MSU across the Eastern Seaboard. She joined the university in 2011 as the founding director of Development for the Zaha Hadid-designed Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. She completed funding for the $45-million-dollar project and co-managed the museum after it opened on the MSU campus in East Lansing, Michigan in 2012.

The Broad Museum was the second new museum project for Crawley. She spent four years as director of Development for the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, which opened in 2011 after Crawley exceeded the $36 million building campaign goal by $3 million.

Crawley is an accomplished communicator who spent more than 10 years as an award-winning television journalist and four years directing a communications department for a large county government in Florida.

“I am very pleased to welcome Marcia to this crucial role on the DIA team,” said Eugene G. Gargaro, Jr., chair of the DIA board of directors. “We had an extensive search for this position, with outstanding candidates in a very competitive market, and we are delighted to have someone of Marcia’s high caliber and experience join the team. We have a wonderful museum, with an extraordinary history, and as I look to the future and the opportunities that lay ahead, the board and I look forward to working closely with Marcia.”

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July 28, 2017 (Detroit)—The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) has hired Marcia Crawley as its new vice president of Development, the division responsible for all fundraising efforts at the museum. Crawley’s past leadership in development for both art museums and universities makes her uniquely qualified to lead the museum’s operating endowment campaign, and she brings a fresh perspective to building the membership, donor relations, grants and planned giving departments at the DIA. Crawley begins at the museum July 31.

“Marcia’s skills and experience will help us achieve one of our most important goals, which is to secure the DIA’s long-term financial sustainability,” said Salvador Salort-Pons, DIA director. “The fundraising challenge the DIA faces for the upcoming years is tall, and the entire organization is behind this critical effort. Marcia will work closely with me, our board chair, Gene Gargaro, and the rest of our board of directors to ensure the DIA will be open for future generations. I am excited and impressed with her warm personality, work ethic and leadership qualities, which will help strengthen our team and build lasting relationships in our community, the region, the state of Michigan and beyond.”

Crawley comes to the DIA from Michigan State University (MSU), where as senior director of Development she managed advancement efforts for MSU across the Eastern Seaboard. She joined the university in 2011 as the founding director of Development for the Zaha Hadid-designed Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. She completed funding for the $45-million-dollar project and co-managed the museum after it opened on the MSU campus in East Lansing, Michigan in 2012.

The Broad Museum was the second new museum project for Crawley. She spent four years as director of Development for the Salvador Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, which opened in 2011 after Crawley exceeded the $36 million building campaign goal by $3 million.

Crawley is an accomplished communicator who spent more than 10 years as an award-winning television journalist and four years directing a communications department for a large county government in Florida.

“I am very pleased to welcome Marcia to this crucial role on the DIA team,” said Eugene G. Gargaro, Jr., chair of the DIA board of directors. “We had an extensive search for this position, with outstanding candidates in a very competitive market, and we are delighted to have someone of Marcia’s high caliber and experience join the team. We have a wonderful museum, with an extraordinary history, and as I look to the future and the opportunities that lay ahead, the board and I look forward to working closely with Marcia.”